Mobile Check In


QR Code Technology For Secure And cost-effective Access Control

FitSense provides a fast and secure contactless check in solution, which enables members to check in to the club using their personal mobile phone.

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Our secure QR Code technology offers a truly interactive check in experience for your members, one that lets your members know you care about and are aware of their visits.

Enhanced Security

The Clubwise QR Code Access Control Solution includes a time limit, so once the member has tapped Check In, the QR code will expire (for example) after 25 seconds, providing enhanced security.

Works Offline

Our solution works offline, so in the event of failed internet connection or no mobile data, your members are still able to gain access to your fitness club, making it a highly reliable and effective solution.

Visits Goal Tracking

After successfully gaining entry to your club, your member is greeted with their monthly visits goal and how close they are to achieving that, providing an little motivational boost!

Fully integrated

Our QR code access control solution is fully integrated with the ClubWise membership management system, so you have full visibility of visit data and control of who enters your club, including denying access to members in arrears or on freeze.