Mobile Notifications and Alerts


Automated Mobile Notifications And Alerts

Keep your members engaged and on track in and out of the gym with automated mobile push notifications and alerts.

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Our automated mobile notifications makes it easy to keep members engaged both in and out of the gym. From general booking reminders and arrears notifications to personalised messages and club updates, your members will always be connected.

Keep Members on Track with Automated Alerts

From booking reminders to arrears notifications, these automated messages keep your members engaged and on track in the most effective way.

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Strengthen relationships with personalised in-app messages

Send your members personalised updates and messages direct to their FitSense feed for enhanced engagement both in and out of the club. Promote new classes, new rewards, set challenges and provide general updates.

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Drive engagement through subtle unobtrusive prompts

FitSense delivers well-timed prompts to help drive engagement with body composition analysis, rewards and group heart rate products.

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