

Create Smart Tailored Workouts For Your Members

Build dynamic workout plans with our extensive library of professional HD exercise videos

Get a demonstration

Personalise the member experience through the creation of tailored workout plans using our extensive library of high-quality HD exercise videos, or add your own custom exercises to provide a more prescriptive training experience.

Set Reps and Rounds

When creating a workout plan, you can set the number of reps for each exercise, as well as the number of rounds. You can also set a workout timer.

Coaching Tips

Members will receive coaching tips before embarking on each exercise, to ensure they are adopting the correct form and getting the most of each exercise.

Workout Rating

Members will receive an automated prompt to rate their workout, providing crucial insight that will help you adjust future workouts for individual members.

Create Custom Exercises

Easily add your own customer exercise videos to the Workout Planner for a more prescriptive training service.

Members Can Create Their Own Plans

Members can also create their own workout plans and can choose their exercises based on muscle group, equipment, or level of intensity.

New Workout Notifications

Your members will receive a mobile notification, alerting them to their new workout plan. They will also receive a second notification in the app.

On Demand and Virtual Workouts

Implement virtual classes for your members easily with our virtual class platform. You can schedule and upload a pre-recorded video or share a link to live Zoom workout! Your members can book and stream your virtual classes directly in FitSense.

Pre-Set Programmes

FitSense also includes a pre-built 30-day workout plan designed for members to perform outside of the gym. Perfect for members on holiday or on freeze, it’s a great way to keep your members engaged with both your club and their training.

Cardio Tracking

As well as the Workout creation module, FitSense has a Cardio tracking feature built in, whereby members can track their out of club workouts including runs, walks, bike rides etc.

The Cardio feature utilises GPS technology to track route, distance and time, and also integrates with Polar heart rate monitor to enable members to track their heart rate, providing your members with all the information they need to monitor their progress.