FitSense Rewards

FitSense Rewards

FitSense Rewards

Incentivise member activity with rewards, for better retention

FitSense Rewards works to improve member retention and increase revenue by incentivising in club activity with exciting and high perceived value rewards. By driving member activity through a rewards programme, your member is more likely to stay longer.

FitSense features

3 Steps to FitSense Rewards


Understand the FitSense Points System

Read through the Guide to Points section of the Customer Zone, to get a thorough understanding of the FitSense Points structure

Take me there


Promote Rewards to your Members

Head to the Marketing Resources section of the Customer Zone and download your favourite posters and marketing tools.

Take me there


Set up your

Read the Guide to Vouchers section of the Customer Zone to get a good understanding of how to select and set up your vouchers.

Show me how


Points Guide and Methodology

During the development of the FitSense Points structure, ClubWise drew on industry research to ensure we created and delivered a truly effective Points System that provides tangible insights into how specific interactions and activities influence a member’s length of stay. The points allocation is weighted towards the activities that are known to have a positive impact on retention.

The points have been allocated to each activity as follows:

Guide to Vouchers

Here you will find a comprehensive guide to choosing and setting up My Rewards vouchers for your members. There are no limits or strict guidelines when it comes to choosing what rewards you want to offer your members, but to help get you started, we have outlined some examples from each of the four main categories that we recommend.

FitSense features

In club

FitSense features

FitSense features


FitSense features

FitSense features

Local Business

FitSense features

FitSense features


FitSense features

In Club Activities

In our examples below for the In Club Activities category, you will notice that we have allocated slightly lower points levels than we have for the External Rewards, despite the reward value being similar. This is because internal ‘in club activity’ rewards drive continued activity and engagement at your club, which therefore further increases the likelihood of retention.

Secondary Services Rewards

Secondary Services Rewards present high perceived value for your members and tend to be very attractive due to the variety and ‘treat’ element. These are simple and cost-effective rewards to offer as they are existing services within your club. You can offer these rewards throughout the year, for minimal cost and effort.

Local Businesses

By working with local businesses, you are building valuable and positive relationships that present great marketing opportunities for both parties. In exchange for your chosen local businesses reward, you will be promoting their products and service to your membership base.

This works very well, as your membership base is their target market geographically.
By building relationships with local businesses, you can work together on seasonal rewards and promotions, target low revenue periods and create tactical offers.

These rewards are perceived as exciting and high value by your members, due to the ‘treat’ and ‘special occasion’ elements. It will also provide an opportunity for your members to try new experiences.


Download our guide to pitching FitSense Rewards to local businesses!




Charitable donations are a great way to give a greater purpose to someone’s fitness journey. Encourage them to build habits for the future, by incentivising with a charity donation!

You could make this specific to a charity in certain months of the year. All the time you are rewarding people for visiting the gym (building habits to increase the likelihood of them remaining a member).


How do I create the rewards?

Creating rewards is a very quick and simple process. Just follow the steps below:

Billing, clubwise, management, direct debit, debit collection, direct debit collection, Membership Management

Log in to ClubWise Mobile

Billing, clubwise, management, direct debit, debit collection, direct debit collection, Membership Management

Select FitSense Rewards from the menu

Billing, clubwise, management, direct debit, debit collection, direct debit collection, Membership Management

Simply add your text and an image


Watch the video below for a comprehensive tutorial on FitSense Rewards

Download our guide to pitching FitSense Rewards to local businesses!


FitSense Rewards is
here! posters

FitSense Rewards coming
soon! Posters

FitSense ‘How to’
Guide Posters
Feed posts

Social media posts

We all know social media is a hugely effective marketing tool, so we’ve created lots of eye catching and engaging social posts for you to download and share across your social platforms. Download all of them, or just a couple, the choice is yours.

Social media video posts

Promote FitSense Rewards to your members using our
ready made Campaign Manager emails!

These Campaign Manager emails are ready to use in Campaign Manager now. Just search Campaign Name indicated underneath each email below, edit in Campaign Manager to suit your own messaging and send!

FitSense Rewards promotional video for your members

We have created a short promotional video for your members to help you market this great new feature and drive member participation. You can share this video across your social platforms or include it in an email campaign. The choice is yours!


60 Second FitSense Rewards Tutorial Video

We have created a short tutorial video for FitSense Rewards, which shows your members how to earn points, redeem points and claim vouchers! This video is great for sharing on your social media platforms!

My Rewards Tutorial

FitSense Rewards Website Banners

Copy Code

Copy Code

Copy Code

Request a Marketing Pack!

To save you the hassle of downloading and printing promotional posters and flyers, we can provide you with a printed marketing pack containing:

clubwise6 A4 posters
clubwise4 A3 posters
clubwise1 A1 poster
clubwise150 flyers (handy to keep at reception!)

Set your members challenges to boost their
points and drive motivation!

Setting a challenge is a great way to help promote retention and engagement with your members. By creating and setting a challenge, your members can earn bonus points for completing them. The use of challenges can help increase retention and longevity of stay. Challenges are defined as a set of activities
completed a certain number of times.

Here are some great ways to utilise the Challenge option. Simply click on each challenge below for an example:


New Member Challenge

Time Frame4 Weeks
Bonus Points300
The ChallengeGet enrolled into our Club Culture! We have set a mini challenge to ensure you get off to a great start! Complete this challenge and receive a bonus of 200 points to spend on Rewards!
RulesVisit the club 10 times – Attend 2 classes



Increase Referrals

Time Frame1st – 30th June
Bonus Points700
The ChallengeSummer is here! We want you to enjoy training with a friend… So, successfully refer a friend who joins, and receive a bonus of 700 points on top of your normal 300 points… 1,000 points to spend on some of our amazing Rewards!
RulesSuccessfully Refer 1 friend who joins in June


Watch the video tutorial below for a step by step guide to setting up this challenge!

Watch Video


Increase attendance in new classes

Time Frame6 weeks
Bonus Points350
The ChallengeWe have a new class on our timetable… Max‘s Bootcamp! If you can stand the pace and participate in 6/6 sessions before 18th November, we’ll reward you with 350 bonus points! Then, head to our Rewards tab in FitSense and spend them on our great products!
RulesAttend 6 Max Bootcamp Classes before 18th November



Promote attendance in low attended classes

Time Frame4 Weeks
Bonus Points300
The ChallengeCan you complete our HIIT class on Sunday with Jo? She pushes you hard and in a fun environment! Therefore, if you can complete the 4 classes in a month, we will reward you with bonus points!
RulesAttend 4 Jo HIIT Classes before 31st October



Increase club usage in quiet times

Time Frame1st – 31st August
Bonus Points300
The ChallengeTake advantage of our August Challenge! Nice and simple, get into the gym and enjoy your workouts! We know that people lose focus around this time of the year… Keep up that habit, and earn some bonus points!
RulesVisit the club 12 times within August


Watch the video tutorial below for a step by step guide to setting up this challenge!

Watch Video